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To participate in the Voki project today (Thursday) you MUST have the 7 items below completed
What are we learning?We are creating a VOKI to review the concepts of IPOS- Input, Processing, Output, and StorageObjectives: 1.5 Digital Lifestyles and 1.1 Introduction of Computers
Instructions for Project Pre-work
1. Your Name and Period
2. You invention
(3 to 6 may be in any order)
3. What the input is for your invention?
4. What the processing is for your invention? (hint, cpu, microchip, OS X- for apple, etc)
5. What the storage is for your invention?
6. What the output is for your invention?
7. 4 to 5 sentences using all of the above information.
Step by StepThink of an output you want- locker door opens without you twisting lock
What input do you need to make it happen- an eye scan or a face scan or a fingerprint scan
The processor is a cpu if the item is large or a microchip if the item is small
Storage- you might want a place to store your biometrics and your friends so they can open the locker so you could have a hard drive or save to a cloud.
What input do you need to make it happen- an eye scan or a face scan or a fingerprint scan
The processor is a cpu if the item is large or a microchip if the item is small
Storage- you might want a place to store your biometrics and your friends so they can open the locker so you could have a hard drive or save to a cloud.
1. My Name and Period
2. My invention is a locker that will open for me without using my hands
3. My input is an eye scan of my retina
4. My output is the door opening
5. My processor is a microchip
6. My storage is on a cloud
7. My invention is a no hands needed locker. My input will be a retina eye scan to verify my identity. My output is when the eye scan is verified the computer will activate the device that will open the door. A fast microchip will be my processor to authenticate or verify it is my eye. I will store my eye information in a cloud for future use. (Your paragraph is what you will type into your voki on Thursday)
Click here to see anti-theft pen example
Guided Lesson: Watch Tutorial for VokiClick here to see anti-theft pen example
Independent Lesson: Create IPOS Voki
Rubric/Grading 15 Prework completed
15 Voki is creative
10 Voki makes sense (you didn’t spell words wrong)
15 Input is correct
15 Output is correct
15 Processing is correct
15 Storage is correct
Homework Reminder- You must complete last Thursday’s biometrics assignment to create Friday’s Biometrics Glogster Online Poster. 15 Voki is creative
10 Voki makes sense (you didn’t spell words wrong)
15 Input is correct
15 Output is correct
15 Processing is correct
15 Storage is correct
Click here and read to complete positives and negatives of Biometrics worksheet. If you do not have internet access, Miss W will give you a print of this Biometrics article-
Exit Activites: (if you didn’t complete on Thursday)