Archdale-Trinity Middle School
Lesson Plan
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Date: 03-07-2016
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Lesson/Unit Topic:
Understanding Word formatting skills- header, footer, paragraph formats
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Understanding Word formatting skills
“I Can…” Statement
Criteria for Success-Formative/Summative Assessments
I can format a header and a footer
Literacy/Vocabulary Strategies (Word Wall)
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Header allows you to type information above the top margin of each page of a document.
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Bell-Ringer/Connecting Strategy
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1. Go to
2. Go to Computer- Student Doc- Witkowski folder- Word folder- open the 1 Formatting Paragraphs file 3. Finish test correction flash cards, Importance of PowerPoint questions, and Word Ribbon drawing 1st period has until 8am to finish 2nd period has until 9am to finish Interim reports due by Wednesday | |
Lesson-Instructional Strategies & Procedures for Teacher and Students
(Detailed Plans Including Best Practices, Researched Based Strategies)
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Guided Lesson:
@ Go to Computer- Student Doc- Witkowski folder- Word folder-
open the 1 Formatting Paragraphs file.
@ Miss W will explain several Word Vocabulary terms:
@ Horizontal and vertical spacing @ Header @ Footer @ Block Paragraph @ Indented Paragraph @ Hanging Indent Paragraph
Independent Exercise
@ Students will work together on Exit Activity 1.
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Higher Order Thinking Questions
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How are documents formatted?
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Student Technology/Differentiation
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Students will format a Word document
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Closure Strategy
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