Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Wednesday, November 29th- 8th Grade- 5 Phase Test and Introduction to the Business Plan Unit

Archdale-Trinity Middle School
Lesson Plan
Date: 11-29-2017


Lesson/Unit Topic:
The Entrepreneurial Process-
Understanding the Business Plan

NCCTE.BU20.03.03 Understanding the procedures and requirements of starting a business

“I Can…” Statement

I can explain why a business plan is important.

Literacy/Vocabulary Strategies (Word Wall)
The business plan is created in the Concept Development phase.

Bell-Ringer/Connecting Strategy
1.  Go to wclassroom.blogspot.com 

2.  You need a PENCIL

3. Get out 2 flashcards for the test
Lesson-Instructional Strategies and Procedures for Teacher and Students
(Detailed Plans Including Best Practices, Researched Based Strategies)
Guided Lesson: 
@ Miss W will go over the components of the business plan 

@ Students will start on PowerPoint 3.03 Starting a business

Ry's Ruffery - Success As A Teenage Entrepreneur

Young adult entrepreneurs

@ Go to Computer
 then Student Docs then Witkowski folder
then Exploring Business folder then Entrepreneurship folder
then open the Word Document call 3.03 Business Plan.

Type in your name and the name of your food truck business
@ Save it to your lunch number- call it Business Plan

How to write a Business Plan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMr_uLZV-eM

Sample Business Plan http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/the-executive-summary-of-your-food-trucks-business.html

Independent Exercise: 

Students will start side 1 of PowerPoint 3.03 "How to start a business" notes.
     Copy the blue words into the notes page.

Students will complete discussed business plan items.

@ Exit Activity 2 and then Exit Activity 3

@ 20 teenage entrepreneurs

Name:  Where to find the answers for  Business Components
Name of Food Truck:

1.    Executive SummaryRecap of all of the sections
WAIT until you have completed questions 2 through 9 then copy and paste one or two sentences from each section.
2.    Product/Service PlanWhat are you are selling? Why is it special?

3 sentences: Your Grand Opening flyer (in your crate) lists menu items and prices and why someone should eat at your food truck.
3.    Management Team PlanWhat are your skills?

5 sentences: Go to PowerPoint 3.01 Successful Entrepreneurs and write about 5 skills and/or abilities you have.
4.    Industry/Market Analysis: What is the competition? Who are your customers?
3 Sentences with information from the Researching Market Trends worksheet.

1 sentence with information from the Demographics worksheet.

5.     Operational Plan: How are you going to make and deliver your product?
3 sentences about your food truck route

6.    Organizational Plan: What is your management style?
@ There are no wrong or right leadership styles it depends on the situation.
      Different situations need different styles.

Simple- 10-Second Quiz: Your Leadership Worldview

A little more complicated- Miss W will review different characteristics of Leadership and have students take a leadership survey at http://psychology.about.com/library/quiz/bl-leadershipquiz.htm      Your group is your employees. Consensus means agreement.

By the words "Organizational plan" on your notes page write down which of three styles the quiz determines for you:

1 sentence: Which leadership style(s) are you? See the 3 choices below.
Participative- asking for your employee opinions, more like a democracy
Delegative- let your employees make decisions
Authoritarian- you make all of the decisions.

7.    Marketing Plan: What are your ideas for selling your product?
5 sentences from your 20 ideas for a Grand Opening list. It is in your folder.

8.     Growth Plan: Where do you see your business in the future?
3 sentences are you going to expand locations, add more food trucks, more employees, have an IPO (offer stock for investment money), international locations

9.     Financial Plan: How much money do you have? Where are you getting your money?

3 sentencesCopy and paste the sentences from the day you calculated how much money it would take to run your business for 3 months. We went to the online Lowes site first then went to the web site. Where are you getting your money? Bank, parents…

Exit Activity 1- All 5 Entrepreneurial Phases http://www.quia.com/rr/827311.html.

Exit Activity 2Business Plan Parts

Exit Activity 3- Business Plan  https://www.quia.com/rr/1078129.html 

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