Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dec 10 through Dec 18

Students have been working on the online newspaper unit for the past week which integrates web design and Language Arts. They will finish up after the holiday.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Monday 12-7 through Wednesday 12-9

Students are finishing up their Animation projects and presenting to the class.

On Thursday, they will start the Online School Paper Unit.

They will learn how to create web sites and integrate this activity with Language Arts by writing up news articles for their sites.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Alice Animation Unit and Language Arts SCOS

During the second Alice animation unit students are able to create their own stories and animate them.

The following Language Arts SCOS will be incorporated into the lessons.

1.01 Narrate an expressive account which:
*creates a coherent organizing structure appropriate to purposes, audience, and context.
*orients the reader/listener to the scene, the people and the events.
*engages the reader/listener by establishing a context and creating a point of view.

5.01 Increase fluency, comprehension, and insight through a meaningful and comprehensive literacy program
*analyzing the effects on texts of such literary devices as figurative language, dialogue, flashback, allusion and irony.
*analyzing the effects of such elements as plot, theme, point of view, characterization, mood and style.

6.01 Model an understanding of conventional written and spoken expression by:
*extending vocabulary knowledge by learning and using new words.