1. See Page 255, Type lines 1 and 2
2. Everyone pull up your resumes even if printed
3. You need a blank piece of paper and pen or pencil
4. If your name is on the board, finish any missing work
What are we learning? Understand the basics of databases.
How is database information used, organized, and managed in business?
What formatting options are available when creating databases?
Guided Practice:
@ Do your best to learn new things http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/
If you get less than your August score it is a D. (75)
If you make the same score as your August score it is a C. (80)
If you make 20% higher than your August score it is a B. (88)
If you make 40% higher than your August score it is a A (95)
If you double your August score it is a 100.
@ Pull up resumes- check spelling, check 3 to 4 jobs.
Miss W will print.
@ Students will take down Internet Safety posters and digital foot prints
@ 2nd period- Students will create and finish a database with a lookup data type and an input mask for the zip code. Open up the Steps to Create a Database PowerPoint.
@Open the Worksheet Steps to Create a Database PowerPoint
@Both periods will take notes on the "What are the steps for creating a database?" worksheet, which is on the back of the crossword puzzle.
Independent Exercise:
@ The Database Design Sketch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3TU3yFUubc
until 3:33
@ Complete the "Design" database assignment in the
Worksheet Steps to Create a Database PowerPoint
@ Exit Activities: Database Vocabulary Review: http://www.quia.com/mc/483616.html
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